Love Does!

Paul Conti - 5/18/2020

Grace Fellowship Community Church

6th Sunday of Easter Sunday, May 17, 2020

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Welcome / Call Instructions

Opening Prayer

For those who are lost, we mourn.
For all that is broken, we cry out.
With those who weep, we weep.
Suffering Servant, hear our prayer.

For all who are alone, we invite your presence.
For we who are trapped inside, we ask your freedom.
For those without a safe place, we beg your protection.
Help of the helpless, shelter your people.

For those who labor on our behalf,
Healing, tending, delivering, we give thanks.
For those whose work has been taken, we ask provision.
For those to whom the world looks for guidance,we ask for your wisdom.
Shepherd, guide us through this shadow of death.

For all that is obscured, we ask for light.
From all our selfishness, we repent.
From all our anxiety, we turn.
God of love, cast out our fear.

In the name of God, the Creator,
of Christ, the Risen One, and of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter. Amen.

Songs of Worship

Prayer for Illumination

Old Testament Reading    Job 19:23-27 

New Testament Reading    Philippians 2:6-11

Gospel Reading    John 14:15-21

Sermon: “Love Does”

Prayer of Response

Prayer of Confession

 Almighty God and Father, we confess to you,
 to one another, and to the whole company of heaven,
 that we have sinned, through our own fault, in thought,
and word, and deed, and in what we have left undone.
For the sake of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ,
 have mercy upon us, forgive us our sins,
 and by the power of your Holy Spirit
 raise us up to serve you in newness of life,
 to the glory of your Name. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon


The Peace (breakout)

Songs of Worship



Prayer/Social (breakout)

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