Trinity Sunday

Dear Grace Family,

These announcements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to inform us of what is happening in and the needs of our church.  If you have an announcement or prayer request that you want to be included in next week’s email, please send it to by Tuesday night. 

Grace and peace,
The Session and Staff of GFCC

Announcements for the week of 05/20/24

Join Us for Sunday Worship, May 24 at 10:00 AM

We welcome Karen Seth to our pulpit. She will be preaching from Psalm 104. “We Need the Wonder of Creation and Creation Needs the Wonder of Us.” 

If you are reading Christine Aroney-Sine’s book, The Gift of Wonder, please read chapters 7-8.

For our Spiritual Exercise: 

Please be prepared to share about a place out in creation where you recently experienced wonder.  If possible, bring a photo(s).

Carnaval San Francisco, May 25-26

Be aware that the 2-day festival that celebrates Latin American and Caribbean arts and traditions will take place this weekend in the Mission District.  Please give yourself extra time if you need to travel through the Mission District on Saturday and Sunday.

A Wonderful Pentecost Celebration Last Sunday

Thank you Irene for the beautiful Pentecost “banner”

Pentecost banner

“The Seven Wonders of the Church” as Presented by Pastor Al

The Wonder of Yes

The Wonder of Spiritual Hunger

THe Wonder of Wonder

The Wonder of Radical Sharing

The Wonder of Radical Community

The Wonder of the Great Commandment

The Wonder of Growth

Go to our sermon recordings (see the gray box below or go to the church website) if you were not there for our service or you wish to re-hear the sermon.

Good Food, Good Conversation!

Thank you to those who brought food for our potluck.  We had all different types of dishes from lumpia to japchae to hummus to macaroni and cheese.  Everything was yummy!

Happy Birthday Church!


This Is Us Quilt

Irene Fong will be assembling a “This is Us” quilt for our church. During our Love Feast last Sunday, we all had the opportunity to individually choose a “quilt square” (crumbs) and choose a word or two that God has put on our heart.  

We want everyone to have a chance to be a part of the quilt - everyone from as young as Ava Juarez to our brother, Robert Everett. Irene will have squares available on Sundays through June.  If you are unable to come on a Sunday and would like to participate, please email the church office ( or call the office (415-703-6090) and we will make arrangements for you to contribute to the quilt.

Quilt squares

Irene and quilt squares

In Support of Nina Pang

We had the opportunity during our Love Feast last Sunday to write a note of support and encouragement to Nina as she undergoes another round of chemotherapy.  

If you were not able to turn in a note, you can still do so.  We will leave out note cards this Sunday for you to use.  If you have any questions, ask Jennifer or Caroline

Joint Refreshment Time with the First Mennonite Church of San Francisco, Sunday, June 2

Our congregation will be joining the First Mennonite Church of San Francisco (across the street on Dolores St.) for their refreshment time on June 2.  Please plan on walking over together to the First Mennonite Church after our church service.

Nominating Committee (Nom-Com) 2024 - To Be Submitted by Sunday, June 2 

The Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for the Session and the Nom-Com.

The Session currently consists of Margie Chiang, Irene Fong, Kim Towsley, Shane Chao, Mike Peterson and Albert Jew.  Mike and Albert will be ending their terms in 2024.  

The Nom-Com consists of Shane Chao, Kim Towsley, Howard and Audrey Jai, Sharon Jung-Verdi and Heidi McLaughlin.  Sharon’s and Heidi’s terms end in 2024.

Nominations can be submitted to the Nom-Com via email or in writing. Please include a brief explanation for why you believe the candidate(s) you nominate would be good Session or Nom-Com members.

Lisandro and Patty Restrepo are the Guest Speakers on Sunday, June 9

Patty and Lisandro Restrepo have lived with their son Samuel in Mexico for over 2 decades, serving vulnerable peoples through Serve Globally. 

Recently relocated to Leon, Guanajuato, they support a vulnerable community where a church with an integrated approach for sharing the Good News is being planted. 

They also provide support for MAEM (Ministering to the Abused and Exploited in Mexico) ministry at a national level, as well as advise other emergent holistic ministries in the central area of Mexico. They also reach out to meet the deep needs of migrants in Mexico.

Our church will have the opportunity to hear from them.

Stott-Bediako Forum on Transformation Revisited: Mission and Gospel Imagination, July 15-17, Rionegro, Colombia

We are excited that Pastor Al will be leading a group of us to go to Colombia to attend the forum.  As there will be expenses for the group, we invite the church to help with the travel costs.  You can contribute by giving online (Colombia Trip) or dropping a check in the offering box with the notation of “Colombia Trip” on the check.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Al. 

Church Retreat, Friday, September 27 to Sunday, September 29

Please be sure to set this weekend aside and put it on your calendars.  More information will be forthcoming!

BK Woodson, Sr. will be our retreat speaker.  Brian K. Woodson, Sr. is the founding pastor of Bay Area Christian Connection in Oakland.  His resume is too long to list here so you can get to know him better at our retreat. 

One note, he is the author of Purplynd (which is in our church library).

Sign Up to Be a Scripture Reader

We are in need of scripture readers during Sunday Service.  Please consider serving our congregation by leading up in Scripture reading.

Scripture Reading Sign-Up 

Good Samaritan Fund

The Good Samaritan Fund was established to help with the monetary needs of the people of our congregation and its friends.  Several gifts have recently been made and we would like to replenish the fund.  

If you are led to give to this fund, you can do so by going to the online giving portal and choosing the Good Samaritan Fund.

Refreshment Sign Up

There are many available slots during the summer months to bring refreshments.  Please consider signing up.

Sign Up for Refreshments After Sunday Service

Ministry Partners Update

Jubilee Immigration Advocates Open House, Thursday, May 30, 4-6PM

You are invited to our Open House on Thursday, May 30th, 4-6pm! As we noted in our last newsletter, we moved in October 2023 to a bigger office in downtown San Francisco, where we are the sole occupants of the space for the first time ever. Please drop by and join us for snacks and drinks in our new space! See here for more details and to RSVP. We would love to see you!

This is the link for more information and to RSVP.

Community Events


A week-long retreat for couples at Hartstone Bible Camp near Ukiah. 

June 21-27, 2024

Take time away in a beautiful setting to strengthen your marriage, deepen your spiritual life, and have fun together! Children are welcome, with concurrent programming, freeing up parents to focus on their marriage.


For more information, go to 

Or talk to Lisa or Dave Williams at 415-558-8719

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