Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dear Grace Family,

These announcements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to inform us of what is happening in and the needs of our church.  If you have an announcement or prayer request that you want to be included in next week’s email, please send it to by Tuesday night. 

Grace and peace, The Session and Staff of GFCC

Announcements for the week of 09/02/24

Join Us for Sunday Worship, September 8 at 10:00 AM

Pastor Al will be preaching from Genesis 50:22-Exodus 1:7.  “These Are the Names: People of the Promise”

Journey Through Exodus With Us During Our Sunday Service

What does the ancient story of Exodus have to say to us in the 21st century? Much! The story is replete with themes such as oppression and liberation, community and empire, calling and faithfulness, sin and grace.

Starting on September 8th, we will journey through the book of Exodus as we continue to explore what biblical freedom looks like in the world. Indeed, Christian freedom has social implications. Exodus is a story of liberation of a people to become God’s people; but not to form some kind of exclusive club that enjoys the blessings of God at the expense of the rest of the world. Their liberation to be God’s people was/is for the sake of all peoples, especially for those enslaved by poverty, injustice, marginalization, and alienation.

Let’s prepare our hearts, heads, and hands as we embark on begin the new series, Liberated to be God’s People for All Peoples: Journeying Through Exodus

Love Feast and Family Meeting this Sunday, September 8

Please plan on staying for lunch and our family meeting after our worship service. As we will discuss what God has been doing in our congregation, we encourage everyone to stay.

We are aiming to end the family meeting by 1:00PM.

The agenda for the meeting is on the below link:

Family Meeting Agenda

Youth Church School, September 8

This Sunday, Lisa Greenhill will be sharing during church school. Note the youth and children will now dismiss after the scripture reading. Thank you Lisa for sharing your story.

Reimaging Spiritual Formation

Join us for a Fall series beginning on Wednesday, September 18 at 7 PM as we explore what spiritual formation is and how we can create a rich, brave space for its flourishing in us. This in-person biweekly series will combine teaching, dialogue and breakout spaces for engaging how God is at work and how we participate in God’s life. Important themes include formation as a journey, restoration, vulnerability, authenticity, listening and companionship.

September 18

October 2

October 16

October 30

November 13

Our Book Cart Has Been Refreshed

On Sunday, Jensa introduced 2 new books to us:

1)  Study guide on Exodus, by John Goldingay

2) The Book of God: the Bible as a Novel, by Walter Wangerin.  If you like audiobooks, you can listen to the author read this book using your San Francisco Public Library card for free access to the Hoopla platform.  Residents of California can apply for a free SFPL library card.  See Jensa for more information.

Pastor Al introduced us to:

  1. The Violence of the Biblical God by L. Daniel Hawk

  2.  A Palestinian Theology of Liberation by Naim Stifan Ateek



Loops of Love

Please bring in fleece twin size blankets or large throws as gifts for the residents of Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center.  We will be delivering these blankets on Monday, September 9.  If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer.

Church Family Barbecue at Washington Park in Burlingame, Saturday, September 28, 10AM - 4PM

Plan on coming that day for a barbecue, games(?) and good fellowship.  This will be a good opportunity to invite your family and friends.

To get an accurate headcount of who is coming (so we know how much meat to purchase), please indicate your attendance on the below link:

Sign Up to Attend BBQ

Please feel free to bring side dishes, desserts and drinks.  You can sign up below:

Sign Up to Bring Food for Family BBQ

Need for Housing for Our Cumberland Presbyterian Visitors

Becky (Rebecca) Zahrte, Director of Cumberland Presbyterian Church Ministry with Women, and Kristi Lounsbury, Director of Congregational Ministries will be in San Francisco from Thursday, October 10 to Monday, October 14.  They will be worshiping with us on Sunday, October and sharing about their ministries.

They are seeking housing for their 4-night stay in San Francisco.  Let Jennifer or Caroline know if you can host Becky and Kristi.

Advent Retreat at the Mercy Center, December 6-7, 2024 

Join us for a retreat at The Mercy Center in Burlingame, titled "Curiosity, Doubt and Hope: An Advent Journey"

Participation Options (Early Bird Price):

  • Overnight rate = $225 per person includes accommodations, meals (includes dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch on Saturday) and retreat costs.

  • Commuter rate =  $140 per person (only lunch on Saturday is included)

As we need an accurate count for planning purposes, please indicate whether you will be attending the retreat on the attached sign up sheet.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Paul.

Advent Retreat Sign Up

Sign Up to Bring Sunday Refreshments

There are quite a few empty spots for refreshments.  Please consider bringing something to share.  If you have any questions, contact Caroline or Jennifer.

Ministry Partners Update

Meet Louisa Woosley

Rev. Mrs. Louisa M. Woosley was the first woman to be ordained as a minister (ordained in 1889) in any Presbyterian denomination. She is remembered as one of the outstanding evangelists of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and a pioneer in her field of ministry.  Read more about her life and ministry in the below links:

Meet Louisa Woosley

Louisa Woosley Preaching Initiative

New College Berkeley

New College Berkeley (NCB) invites you to a day of events on Saturday, Sept. 14th, located at the First Presbyterian Church. In the morning, Memory, Land & Place (Dr. Russell Yee and Dr. Rebecca Hernandez) will examine Bay Area discipleship through a Native American lens. During lunch (food provided) a panel will discuss Radix Magazine, NCB and the Current Moment, followed by a workshop. Writing as You Go, on journal keeping led by Marilyn McEntyre. Learn more and register at  For more upcoming events, click here.

Special Note:  Our own Karen Seth will be one of the leaders at the September 27 event.  Dr. Ruth Padilla DeBorst will be at the October 24 event.  

Community Events

Children’s Day School Early Childhood Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Celebration on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 8:30am-9:30am

After over a year of construction, the Early Childhood Center will be officially opening with its ribbon cutting ceremony.  Grace Fellowship Community Church hosted Children’s Day School art and music classes in our building during the last school year while the new building was being constructed.

If you have an interest in attending the ribbon cutting ceremony, please let Jennifer or Caroline know.  

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