Dear Grace Family,
These announcements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to inform us of what is happening in and the needs of our church. If you have an announcement or prayer request that you want to be included in next week’s email, please send it to by Tuesday night.
Grace and peace,The Session and Staff of GFCC
Announcements for the week of 08/26/24
Join Us for Sunday Worship, September 1 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Al will be preaching from Psalm 146. “Life as Worship - What Freedom Looks Like”
This Sunday will be the conclusion of the “Free to Worship”series. As is our pattern, we will be hearing from a few people on their personal reflections of the Psalms.
Goodbye to Pastor Nelson Ng'ang'a
After spending a year in San Francisco studying at UCSF and worshiping with us, Pastor Nelson will be returning to Kenya on Wednesday, September 4. As we send him off with our blessings, we will have the chance to hear from him one last time this Sunday.
Thank You to Mylene for Sharing the Word Last Sunday on Psalm 121. Sophia Williams made this poster during church school time as an offering based on Psalm 121.
We Had a Wonderful Love Feast Last Sunday!
Thank you to Laurie Shigekuni who shared about her law practice and Hanami Hope. Thank you to those who cooked our lunch: Irene, Randy, Charlotte, Margie, Shawn, Jennifer and Caroline. A big thank you to the team who came to church at 7:30am to make the mochi dessert for us: Laurie, Natalie, Noelle, Loretta and Shoichi.
If anybody would like to receive an email from Laurie Shigekuni Gong about the information she shared last Sunday, please email her at She is extremely grateful for the meal and the help. She will be sending information and links out to those who requested it.
Here are some additional pictures of our Love Feast:
Chocolate Mochi
Margie, Robert, Jennifer
Natalie and Loretta
Laurie Irene and Jennifer
Love Feast and Family Meeting, Sunday, September 8
We will have a simple meal together and hear how God has been moving among us and richly blessing our congregation during our family meeting.
Loops of Love
Please bring in fleece twin size blankets or large throws as gifts for the residents of Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. We will be delivering these blankets on Monday, September 9. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer.
Sign Up to Bring Sunday Refreshments
There are quite a few empty spots for refreshments. Please consider bringing something to share. If you have any questions, contact Caroline or Jennifer.
Church Family Barbecue at Washington Park in Burlingame, Saturday, September 28, 10AM - 4PM
Plan on coming that day for a barbecue, games(?) and good fellowship. This will be a good opportunity to invite your family and friends.
The meat for the barbecue will be provided. Please feel free to bring side dishes, desserts and drinks. You can sign up below:
Sign Up for Family BBQ
Need for housing for Our Cumberland Presbyterian visitors
Becky (Rebecca) Zahrte, Director of Cumberland Presbyterian Church Ministry with Women, and Kristi Lounsbury, Director of Congregational Ministries will be in San Francisco from Thursday, October 10 to Monday, October 14. They will be worshiping with us on Sunday, October and sharing about their ministries.
They are seeking housing for their 4-night stay in San Francisco. Let Jennifer or Caroline know if you can host Becky and Kristi.
Advent Retreat at the Mercy Center, December 6-7, 2024
Join us for a retreat at The Mercy Center in Burlingame, titled "Curiosity, Doubt and Hope: An Advent Journey"
Participation Options (Early Bird Price):
As we need an accurate count for planning purposes, please indicate whether you will be attending the retreat on the attached sign up sheet.
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Paul.
Advent Retreat Sign Up
Ministry Partners Update
We are invited to deep exploration, rich conversations, and fellowship at the online Stott-Bediako Forum on Transformation Revisited: Mission and Gospel Imagination. We hope you'll consider joining us!
Kickoff is September 3 & 4 at 1400 GMT! (7AM California time) |
Link to register:
Transformation Revisited: Mission and Gospel Imagination - INFEMIT
For more information, please contact Jensa Woo
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Hawaii
Brenda Wong has shared this prayer request for IV:
“Pray for us as a new semester in Hawaii begins across college campuses in the islands. Pray for our outreach to students on campuses, for divine and intimate connections to God and one another and that lives would be deeply transformed by Jesus in community.”
Rise University Preparatory
Rise is featured in CCDA’s (Christian Community Development Association) blog post! Danny Kim, Rise Development Director, shares the encouraging story of Rise as a reflection on "prophetic imagination" in the Bayview Hunters-Point neighborhood of San Francisco. Click the link below to check it out!
An Encouragement Toward Prophetic Imagination » Christian Community Development Association (
Community Events
We Welcome RTI International to our Church Building
Beginning Thursday, August 29 to late September, RTI (Research Triangle Institute) International will be using some of our rooms to conduct interviews with residents of the Mission district to discuss their healthcare needs. This is part of a 4-year grant to discover ways to improve healthcare in the city. If you have any questions, contact Caroline.
Children’s Day School Early Childhood Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Celebration on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 8:30am-9:30am
After over a year of construction, the Early Childhood Center will be officially opening with its ribbon cutting ceremony. Grace Fellowship Community Church hosted Children’s Day School art and music classes in our building during the last school year while the new building was being constructed.
If you have an interest in attending the ribbon cutting ceremony, please let Jennifer or Caroline know.