Sunday, October 27, 2024

Dear Grace Family,

These announcements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to inform us of what is happening in and the needs of our church.  If you have an announcement or prayer request that you want to be included in next week’s email, please send it to by Tuesday night. 

Grace and peace,The Session and Staff of GFCC

Announcements for the week of 10/21/24

Join Us for Sunday Worship, October 27 at 10:00 AM

Pastor Al will be preaching from Exodus 11:4-10; 12:21-13:1. “Liberation and Liturgy:  How Free People Worship”  

Joint Love Feast with The First Mennonite Church of San Francisco, Sunday, October 27

Stay for lunch and get to know our neighbor, The First Mennonite Church of San Francisco.

Notes from Last Week’s Sermon by Bill Clark of the Peace Catalyst International (Be Salty and Let Your Light Shine) 

Salt, Light and Deeds

  • “Salt, Light and Deeds” a teaching triad…it is in our deeds of obedience to Jesus that we function as salt and light in our society.

  • In a dark time, good deeds bring light into the darkness.  People notice and praise the One who sent you.

3 things He is asking of us

  • Do justice

  • Love kindness

  • And to walk humbly with our God

  • In the NT Jesus summarizes his message and expands our circle of love to include strangers and enemies.

Help the few become the many

  • Our goal is clear: to “help the few become the many” to expand the pool of compassionate and courageous people who will include the Uyghur stranger, and the victims of a genocide that is happening in real time, within the boundaries of moral obligation.

If you want to re-listen to Dr. Clark’s sermon (and any other previous sermons), you can do so on our church’s website.

Sermons | GFCC (

This Is Us Document Is Now Completed

Thank you to Karen Andrews, Randy Chang, Irene Fong, Matt McDonell, and Michelle McDonell for their hard work in writing this document.  We invite everyone to read and savor the words that are about -

Why Are We Here?

Who Are We?

What Values Do We Live By?

As Pastor Al mentioned, this is a living document that reflects who we are and who we are becoming.

This is Us Document

Food Pantry Help Needed this Saturday, October 26

Come partner with Dicky, Elaine, Jimmy, and Jason in welcoming and serving our food pantry’s participants this Saturday, Oct 26th.

The food bank delivery window has been changed to 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. 

Reimagining Spiritual Formation

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 30 at 7 PM.  We will continue to  explore what spiritual formation is and how we can create a rich, brave space for its flourishing in us. This in-person biweekly series will combine teaching, dialogue and breakout spaces for engaging how God is at work and how we participate in God’s life. Important themes include formation as a journey, restoration, vulnerability, authenticity, listening and companionship.

October 30

November 13

Presentation and Video by Margie Chiang from the Wednesday,October 16 Meeting:  Reimagining Spiritual Formation - Hospitality


Ekklesia SF Regional Gathering, Saturday, November 2

The escalating signs of climate collapse can provoke a range of responses in us. Denial. Numbness. Dread. Anxiety. Anger. But what if we could begin to reckon with the collapse of the world we have known in the company of God’s people? What if we could find gospel partnership and learn steps of hopeful repentance, love, and action?

The first ever Ekklesia SF Regional Gathering will engage with the reality of climate collapse through the lens of grief and congregational practices grounded in hope.  The gathering will be held in the church building.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Cost: $25


If you have any questions, contact Joel Balzer, Shane Chao or Kim Towsley

Daylight Savings Time Ends on November 3

Yay, we get another hour of sleep!

Men’s Lunch Gathering, Saturday, November 9, 11:30AM - 1:30PM

The men are invited to join in this Fall’s Lunch Gathering.  It will be at the church building.  If you have any questions, contact Robert Chiang.

To help plan for the lunch, please indicate your attendance on the signup sheet.

Men's Lunch Gathering Sign Up

Dr. Boaz Johnson of North Park University, Sunday, November 17

Dr. Johnson will be delivering the message on Sunday, November 17 to our congregation.

Dr. Boaz Johnson

Advent Retreat at the Mercy Center, December 6-7, 2024

Join us for a retreat at The Mercy Center in Burlingame, titled "Curiosity, Doubt and Hope: An Advent Journey"

Loops of Love - Collection of Stuffed Animals

Stuffed animals were a big hit with the residents at one of our visits to Laguna Honda.  So we're collecting stuffed animals for our next visit. We would like them cuddly and soft.  For safety concerns, Laguna Honda does not allow beanie babies (because of the bead stuffing), anything that can be easily detached from the stuffed animal (bows, scarves, hats, toys), and no large stuffed animals (bigger than 14 inches).  Please drop off your donation in the "Loops of Love" basket in the sanctuary.

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Kay.

This Is Us Quilt

Another set of words that have been stitched on the crumbs:

Paz amor 



Beheld by God

Serve and Be Served



Broken Yet Beloved



Basking in God’s Love

So Grateful 




Ministry Partners Update

New College Berkeley

Fostering Harmony with Land & Neighbor, Thursday, October 24 at Oakland City Church

Extremes. Opposing poles. Ideological trenches. Echo chambers. What, in the midst of the current winds, is the role of the church? Does it have anything to propose? Can it offer any alternative or does it simply rubber stamp the unjust status quo? Out of her experience as part of Casa Adobe, a small intentional Christian community in Costa Rica, Ruth will offer some hints regarding what a communal embodiment of the good news can look like.

Rise University Preparatory Gala, October 26, 6PM -9PM

The Rise Prep Gala is on Saturday, October 26 from 6-9 at the San Francisco Design Center. It's a very fun event and helps to support Rise. Tickets are normally $250 each, but because we are a partner church, we have just been offered 50% off. Go to the link below to register and use promo code FRIENDOFRISE50. Brian Chinn will be keeping track of who is going. Please contact him after registering so that we can seat everyone at the same tables.  If you've already registered and want to sit at a GFCC table, please let Brian know.

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