Dear Grace Family,
These announcements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to inform us of what is happening in and the needs of our church. Please send any announcements or prayer requests to by Tuesday evening.
Grace and peace, The Session and Staff of GFCC
Announcements for the week of 01/06/25
Join Us for Sunday Worship, January 12 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Paul will be preaching from Exodus 20:1-21 and Deuteronomy 5:1-4. “Listen In”
Last Week, Pastor Al preached on “Raising Jesus, Part 2: On Being the Holy Family of Nazareth”
Beyond Human Experience: Jesus seeing Jesus
Beyond Human Knowledge: Scholars seeing Jesus
Beyond Familiarity: Mary and Joseph seeing Jesus
Powerpoint Slides to 1/5/25 Sermon
If you want to re-listen to Pastor Al’s sermon (and any other previous sermons), you can do so on our church’s website.
Sermons | GFCC (
Introducing Samantha Gutierrez-Graczak as Our New Church Administrator

I grew up in Reno, Nevada and lived in Saint Louis for a few years before moving to San Francisco. I experienced God in a personal way in high school and deepened my faith considerably in college through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
After college I continued to be a part of InterVarsity as a Campus Staff Minister for over eight years, five of which was with my husband, Brenden. I continue to volunteer with InterVarsity at San Francisco State University and City College.
Brenden and I have a sweet adventurous daughter named Amaya! We also have an adventurous dog named Walter. Some of our favorite things to do are eating tasty food around the city.
I am delighted to be part of Grace Fellowship and am eager to see all of the ways God is going to continue to transform and bless our church and wonderful city. I am happy to be part of the team here at Grace Fellowship as the church’s administrative assistant.
Degreening of the Church, Sunday, January 12
On Sunday, January 12, during our refreshment time, we plan to take down our Advent/Christmas decorations. Please pitch in and help!
Navigating Transitions With Faith & Resilience, January 17-18, 2025
Sponsored by the Center For Asian American Christianity
In a time of rapid social and generational change, how can Asian American Christians find resilience, purpose, and connection? The Navigating Transitions conference offers a unique opportunity to explore how faith and mental health intersect within the distinct experiences of Asian American Christians.
Topics include: Trauma, perfectionism, relational disconnection, inter-generational dynamics and elder care.
Register Here:
Please let Pastor Paul know if you are interested in being part of a viewing party.
Joy Kreider of Deliberate Dialogues, January 19 (Shane Chao is our Ministry Partner Liaison)
Joy will be in San Francisco for a few weeks in January. She will be worshiping with us on Sunday, January 19. Joy will share briefly about her Deliberate Dialogues ministry during the service. After service, all are invited to a light lunch (in the courtyard) to hear Joy speak more about her ministry.
About Us — Deliberate Dialogues
Beyond 15 Minutes: Justice, Lament, and a Call to Faithful Gospel Witness
Thursday, January 23 and Thursday, February 27, 6:00AM - 7:15AM (Sponsored by INFEMIT - International Fellowship for Mission as Transformation)
At the fourth Lausanne International Congress, the theme of justice was given 15 minutes. In a world fraught with unjust wars, genocide, forced displacement, poverty, human trafficking, corrupt leadership, and state-sanctioned abuse, we are compelled by the good news of Jesus to go “beyond 15 minutes.” Register for a two-part gathering to lament, discuss, and strategize together to bear faithful witness to the gospel in these troubling times.
Contact Pastor Al with any questions.
Meeting Registration - Zoom
Love Feast and Family Meeting, January 26
We will continue our pattern of having our monthly Love Feast of eating together and having extended fellowship time. That Sunday will also be our quarterly family meeting when we will be updated in all aspects of our life together.
If you are able to help with making a casserole for the Sunday lunch, please let Jennifer or Caroline know.
The Young Messiah Movie Night, Wednesday, February 5, 6:00PM to 8:30PM
Pastor Al mentioned The Young Messiah during his sermon last Sunday. He is inviting the congregation (friends and family also) to watch this movie in our church courtyard.
The Young Messiah is a 2016 biblical drama film based on the novel Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt by Anne Rice. The film revolves around a fictional interpretation of a seven-year-old Jesus who tries to discover the truth about his life when he returns to Nazareth from Egypt.
“Movie” food and snacks will be served during the movie so there is no need to eat dinner before coming.
For those who wish to discuss the movie afterwards, we will also have an opportunity to stay a little longer.
Contact Pastor Al with any questions.
An Invitation to Praise the Lord
"It is good to praise the Lord." (Psalm 92:1). You are invited to lead us in a prayer of adoration in the upcoming weeks. Here is the link if you would like to participate. We only have sign-ups until the beginning of Lent, but we will post more later on as we move forward with our planning.
Please reach out to if you have any questions.
Family Refreshment Sign Up
Please consider bringing/making refreshments for our fellowship time after Sunday service. There are many empty slots!
Sign Up for Refreshments After Sunday Service
Ministry Partners Update
Deliberate Dialogues Winter 2025 Newsletter (Shane Chao is the Ministry Liaison)
Dear Friends and Readers,
Blessings and peace and Happy New Year to you all! The winter sky offers us the most dramatic colors, as you can see in the picture above. I love this aspect of living here……
Continue to read Joy Kreider’s newsletter on this link:
Winter 2025 Newsletter
Rise University Preparatory Church Supporter Open House, Thursday, January 23 at 5:30PM - 6:30PM (Brian Chinn is the Ministry Liaison)
Join other churches to pray for our scholars, families and communities. Come see how our Bay Area churches join together in supporting God’s work in the Bayview Hunters Point and beyond. See Brian Chinn with any questions.