Dear Grace Family,
These announcements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to inform us of what is happening in and the needs of our church. If you have an announcement or prayer request that you want to be included in next week’s email, please send it to by Tuesday night.
Grace and peace,
The Session and Staff of GFCC
Announcements for the week of 07/29/24
Join Us for Sunday Worship, August 4 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Al will be preaching this Sunday on Psalm 24. “Selah: Free to Sing… Or Not”
We are also in for a special treat during our worship time. The Youth Band will be leading us in our music worship. We will also get to hear from our youth staff and youth about their time at the youth retreat last week.
Pastor Nelson and Annet’s Bridge Ministry
Last Sunday during our Love Feast, we got to hear Pastor’s Nelson’s “Bridge Ministry” Vision.
The Bridge Ministry is a compassionate response to the physical and spiritual needs of vulnerable children in Kenya. It is founded on the principles of reconciliation, love, and empowerment. The idea of an expanded and structured children ministry under the banner, The Bridge Ministry, was born in the San Francisco Bay area. It symbolizes connection and reconciliation. Just as the many bridges around the peninsula physically link cities and communities, our ministry aims to build avenues to reconcile children in Kenya to God and each other and to connect them to resources, interests, and needs inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ, the greater bridge.
Read the complete proposal on the link below:
Bridge Ministry
Move Up Ceremony and Confirmation Service, Sunday, August 11
During our Sunday service, we will be celebrating the youth who have graduated from high school. We will also rejoice with the youth who have made a decision to be confirmed.
Appreciation for Curtis Lee and Kelly Huey, Sunday, August 18
We are so grateful to Curtis and Kelly for their decades long service to our youth. We will take time during our Sunday service to recognize and thank them.
Love Feast, Sunday, August 25
Laurie Shigekuni will be sharing.
Ministry Partners Update
ISACC Celebrated Its 46th Anniversary on July 20
The Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC) is a non-stock, non-profit research and training organization that for more than four decades has been specializing in development, missiology and cross-cultural studies aimed at social transformation within the Asian context.
Leni Juarez is in the Philippines and was able to attend the 46th anniversary celebration. Below is the keynote address given by Melba Padilla Maggay, one of the founders of ISACC.
ISACC 46th Anniversary Address
New College Berkeley
Here is their latest email of news and events.
Make sacred art with us! (
Rise University Prep Work Day and BBQ, Saturday, August 10
We’re so excited to invite you and your congregation to our 2nd annual Bless the School Year Work Day & BBQ on Saturday, August 10th from 10am-2pm. During this special day, alongside many of our community partners and supporters we’ll be getting the campus ready for the new school year. Beginning at 10am, we will be sharing in work projects such as cleaning, organizing and even creating encouragement cards for students and staff. At 12pm noon we will fellowship together over a free BBQ lunch. To close out at 1pm we'll break off in groups to pray for the school and surrounding neighborhood.
It’ll be a great, fun opportunity to join in community and support our amazing Rise students and staff.
Registration link and flier can be found below. We hope you are able to join us!
Love and blessings,
Matthew Tejuco