Sunday, August 11, 2024

Dear Grace Family,

These announcements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to inform us of what is happening in and the needs of our church.  If you have an announcement or prayer request that you want to be included in next week’s email, please send it to by Tuesday night. 

Grace and peace,
The Session and Staff of GFCC

Announcements for the week of 08/05/24

Join Us for Sunday Worship, August 11 at 10:00 AM

Pastor Paul will be preaching this Sunday on Psalm 55.  “Honesty: Can I really think, pray and feel that?” 

Pastor Al and Elder Irene Fong will be attending the Presbytery Meeting in Albuquerque, August 8-9

Move Up Ceremony and Confirmation Service on Sunday

During our Sunday service, we will be celebrating the youth who have graduated from high school.  We will also rejoice with the youth who have made a decision to be confirmed.  

Appreciation for Curtis Lee and Kelly Huey, Sunday, August 18

We are so grateful to Curtis and Kelly for their decades long service to our youth.  We will take time during our Sunday service to recognize and thank them.

Memorial Service for Patricia Barros, Sunday, August 18

We are hosting a simple time of remembering Patricia Barros and giving thanks for her life. It will be on Sunday August 18th at 2:00pm in the sanctuary.  You are invited to grab lunch in the neighborhood, eat at church if you’d like, and join in remembering and giving thanks for our sister.  If you have any questions, please contact Lisa or Dave Williams.

Love Feast, Sunday, August 25

Laurie Shigekuni will be sharing about her foundation, Hanami Hope.

Lost and Found

We have accumulated some items that have been left in the church building.  If any of the items in the picture belong to you, you can pick them up from downstairs by the reception desk. 

Lost and Found

Ministry Partners Update

Food Pantry 

We have been blessed with partners from the Episcopal Church of St, John the Evangelist.  After almost 20 years of serving the community with their food pantry, St. John closed their pantry.  Many of their volunteers have committed to serving at our food pantry.  

Welcome Jean Baker and her team from St. John.  

GFCC, please continue to sign up to help on Saturdays.  The food insecurity in our neighborhood is great.  

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