Pentecost Sunday

Dear Grace Family,

These announcements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to inform us of what is happening in and the needs of our church.  If you have an announcement or prayer request that you want to be included in next week’s email, please send it to by Tuesday night.


Grace and peace,
The Session and Staff of GFCC




Announcements for the week of 05/13/24



Join Us for Sunday Worship at 10:00 AM



Pentecost Sunday

Pastor Al will be preaching from Acts 2: 37-47.  “This is Us!  Continuing in the Wonder of the Church”




Love Feast on Pentecost

All are invited to celebrate Pentecost.  What better way to celebrate Pentecost (Diversity in Unity) than to have a Love Feast of food representing the different cultures of our congregation and neighborhood.  You are invited to bring your favorite food to share. Feel free to be creative in the types of food you bring.  You can drop off the food in the kitchen before church service begins.


Dessert will be provided, so no need to bring dessert.


In support of our dear sister, Nina Pang, we would like to take the opportunity during our Love Feast to write notes and cards to her as she begins another round of chemotherapy.  During the meal, there will be a table with pens and notecards for you to use.  These personal notes will be delivered in person to Nina at the end of May by Linda Kay. 


If you will not be available for the Love Feast, you can give your note to Jennifer or Caroline by May 26. 




Food Pantry Volunteers Celebration, Saturday, May 18

Everyone is invited to a food pantry volunteer celebration gathering on Saturday, May 18 at 2:30pm.  We'll share food and stories and have time to hang out together. 




Joint Refreshment Time with the First Mennonite Church of San Francisco, Sunday, June 2

Our congregation has been invited to join the First Mennonite Church of San Francisco (across the street on Dolores St.) for their refreshment time on June 2.  This will be a chance for us to get to know our neighbor.



Stott-Bediako Forum on Transformation Revisited: Mission and Gospel Imagination, July 15-17, Rionegro, Colombia

We are excited that Pastor Al will be leading a group of us to go to Colombia to attend the forum.  As there will be expenses for the group, we invite the church to help with the travel costs.  You can contribute by giving online (Colombia Trip) or dropping a check in the offering box with the notation of “Colombia Trip” on the check.


If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Al.



What is the Stott-Bediako Forum?

The Stott-Bediako forum is an open gathering of scholars and practitioners who are committed to address the realities of the contemporary world in light of the message of the Gospel. As its name suggests, the ethos of the forum follows in the footprints of John W.R. Stott and Kwame Bediako – Christian leaders who have had a lasting impact on generations of Christian believers worldwide, particularly as they emphasized and insisted on proclaiming and living out the whole Gospel. Both Stott and Bediako promoted a holistic understanding of mission and the importance of constructive engagements of Christianity and culture.




Nominating Committee (Nom-Com) 2024

It's that time of year again! The Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for the Session and the Nom-Com.


The Session currently consists of Margie Chiang, Irene Fong, Kim Towsley, Shane Chao, Mike Peterson and Albert Jew.  Mike and Albert will be ending their terms in 2024. 


The Nom- Com consists of Shane Chao, Kim Towsley, Howard and Audrey Jai, Sharon Jung-Verdi and Heidi McLaughlin.  Sharon’s and Heidi’s terms end in 2024.


Nominations can be submitted to the Nom-Com via email (address to follow) or in writing. Please include a brief explanation for why you believe the candidate(s) you nominate would be good Session or Nom-Com members.




Church Retreat, Friday, September 27 to Sunday, September 29

Before you take off for your various vacation destinations, don’t forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming church retreat at Redwood Christian Park in Boulder Creek. This time, we actually have pastors, in fact, two pastors.  It’s going to be a hoot!




Sign Up to Be a Scripture Reader

We are in need of scripture readers during Sunday Service.  Please consider serving our congregation by leading up in Scripture reading.

Scripture Reading Sign-Up



Good Samaritan Fund

The Good Samaritan Fund was established to help with the monetary needs of the people of our congregation and its friends.  Several gifts have recently been made and we would like to replenish the fund. 


If you are led to give to this fund, you can do so by going to the online giving portal and choosing the Good Samaritan Fund.




Refreshment Sign Up

There are many available slots during the summer months to bring refreshments.  Please consider signing up.

Sign Up for Refreshments After Sunday Service





Ministry Partners Update

New College Berkeley Mini-Retreat, Sunday, May 19, 2PM

New College Berkeley invites you to a mini-retreat this Sunday afternoon, 2PM at First Presbyterian Church Berkeley called "Nurturing Humanness in Anxious Times."

Dr. Francesca Nuzzolese from Italy, a friend of Pastor Al, will lead attendees in spiritual practices that specifically acknowledge and address the social and political anxiety that so many of us are experiencing in these days. Dr. Nuzzolese has extensive experience in serving and equipping caregivers throughout the world, particularly among refugees and victims of human trafficking. What to expect, in her words:


“The retreat will offer an opportunity for us to practice how to restore our inner capacity for spiritual, emotional and relational health and connectedness. Together, we will practice some grounding spiritual disciplines that can help us resist those traumatic and traumatizing responses activated by the current climate of social, political, and economic anxiety.”


Register at


Jubilee Immigration Advocates Open House, Thursday, May 30, 4-6PM

You are invited to our Open House on Thursday, May 30th, 4-6pm! As we noted in our last newsletter, we moved in October 2023 to a bigger office in downtown San Francisco, where we are the sole occupants of the space for the first time ever. Please drop by and join us for snacks and drinks in our new space! See here for more details and to RSVP. We would love to see you!


This is the link for more information and to RSVP.

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