Fourth Sunday after Epiphany


DearGrace Family,

Theseannouncements and prayer requests are being sent out every Thursday to help usstay connected with one another.  If youhave an announcement or prayer request that you want to be included in nextweek’s email, please send it to by Tuesday night.


Graceand peace,
The Session and Staff of GFCC




Announcements for the week of 01/22/24



Join Us for Sunday Worship at 10:00AM

Wearing masks is optional. If you are inneed of a mask, ask one of the ushers to get one for you.




FourthSunday after Epiphany

Pastor Alwill be preaching from Galatians 2:15 - 3:18. “No Longer Cursed: Meditations on Jesus and the Law”




Questionsfrom Pastor Paul’s Sermon on Sunday, January 21

On Sunday, Pastor Paul presented severalquestions throughout his sermon to reflect on. The questions are listed on this link:

Sermon ReflectionQuestions


Onlyby Grace (composer Gerrit Gustafson)

We were introduced to this song on Sundayafter the sermon.  For those of you whowere touched by the song and lyrics, here is the song:

only by gracecomposer - Yahoo Video Search Results




Prayer and Praise Messagesto our Pastors

If you wish to share a prayer request, praise or message with ourpastors, please feel free to use the tear-off section of our Sundaybulletin.  The prayer request willonly be included in the weekly email if you check the indicated box.




Help Pastor Al Move from SFApartment, Saturday, January 27

Pastor Al will be moving from his apartment on Scott Street to his newhome in Richmond.  He could use help topack, move, and load onto a UHaul and then unpack in Richmond.  If you are able to help with any of this onSaturday, January 27 at 12 PM, please indicate so on the signup sheet. 


(As parking is challenging on Scott Street, you may considercarpooling.)


Sign up to MovePastor Al's SF Apartment




Love Feast on Sunday,January 28, Potluck Soup Lunch and Family Meeting

Please plan on staying for an informal lunch of soup and sandwiches tofellowship and have family time together.  We invite any of you tobring your favorite pot of soup to share.  (Bring no more than5 quarts).  No sign up is required


Drop off your pot of soup to the kitchen before the service. 



Hearing from our Queer siblings in Christ

Please note the followingchanges.

●     Duration:  January 29-February 25  ( 4 weeks with a break during Ash Wednesdayweek)

●     Format: Meetvia zoom  @7:30pm-9:00pm 

●     Deadline toSign Up: January 26th.

●      Facilitator:Matt McDonell     Contact:   

●     Series Description:

●     Registration: Adult Spiritual Formation



YouthParents Meeting, Sunday, February 11

If you are a parent of a youth, pleaseplan on meeting in the youth room during refreshment time (grab a cup of coffeeand a snack first). This will be a time to go over plans for Spring 2024 forthe youth.  If you have any questions,contact Curtis, Kelly, or Jeremy.




Sunday Service Scripture Readers Needed

Please consider readingScripture during Sunday service.  Pleasesign up.

Scripture ReadingSign-Up





Community Events


Seminary Now:  Start the Hebrews Bible Study with NewTestament scholar, Madison N. Pierce.


Join New Testament scholar Madison Pierce as she unpacks one of the mostimportant theological texts in the New Testament: the Epistle to the Hebrews.Hebrews examines pressing issues about who God is and how he relates to hispeople.


Madison N. Pierce (PhD, Durham University) is Associate Professor of New Testament at WesternTheological Seminary (Holland, MI, USA). Shealso is New Testament Editor at Reviews of Biblical and Early ChristianStudies and a co-host of TheTwo Cities podcast. Her research interests are theEpistle to the Hebrews and early Christian interpretation.


Hebrews | MadisonPierce | Seminary Now | Seminary Now


Our church has a subscription to SeminaryNow.  Please contact Jennifer or Carolinefor the login information.



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